The Strange and Spooky World Of James A Willis – Paranormal Podcast 550
We talk to paranormal author and researcher James A. Willis about his weird experiences over the years. Thanks James!
Read MoreWe talk to paranormal author and researcher James A. Willis about his weird experiences over the years. Thanks James!
Read MoreSupernatural seamus, author, and researcher John E.L. Tenney joins us to talk about weird things like exorcisms, ghosts, cryptids and UFOs. John is one of the most thoughtful thinkers on these subjects and this show was a blast. Thanks John! Enjoy!
Read MoreAuthor Joshua Cutchin talks about fairy lore and children. It was a common fear in olden days that your child could be abducted by fairies. We discuss the history and how it ties into current day subjects like supposed alien abduction. You can find Joshua’s book on the subject at Thieves in the Night: A…
Read MorePsychic medium Kristy Robinett joins us to talk about what spirits have told her about life on the other side. You can find Kristy’s new book at Journey To The Afterlife: Comforting Messages & Lessons from Loved Ones in Spirit Thanks Kristy! This post contains Amazon affiliate links that benefit Jim Harold Media when you make…
Read MoreIf you love creepy stories, this week’s show is for you. Chris Woodyard shares haunted tales from Haunted Ohio. You can find her books at Chris’ books on Amazon Thanks Chris! This post contains Amazon affiliate links that benefit Jim Harold Media when you make a qualifying purchase. Thank you for your support!
Read MoreDr. Lynne Kitei joins to talk to us about one of the most important UFO mass sightings in history – The Phoenix Lights. You can find her book and documentary on the subject at The Phoenix Lights: A Skeptic’s Discovery that We Are Not Alone The Phoenix Lights – Beyond Top Secret – Expanded…
Read MoreAuthor, researcher, podcaster, and our friend Micah Hanks joins us for a stimulating conversation on UFOs and ancient mysteries. Thanks Micah!
Read MoreMatt Swayne rejoins us to talk about more Rock ghost stories, enjoy! You can find his book at More Haunted Rock & Roll: More tales of guitar hero ghosts, rock star curses, and musical mysteries Thanks Matt! This post contains Amazon affiliate links that benefit Jim Harold Media when you make a qualifying purchase. Thank…
Read MorePsychic mediums Stuart and Dean James-Foy join us to discuss how to communicate with the dead. You can find their recent book on the subject at Amazon: Parting the Veil: How to Communicate with the Spirit World In part two, Varla Ventura talks to us about all matter of the paranormal including everything from seances to…
Read MoreWe talk to a real law enforcement officer, Greg Lawson, joins us to talk about his life as a paranormal detective as well. How do the two connect? You’d be surprised and we talk to him about it on this week’s Paranormal Podcast. You can find out more info about Greg’s work and his books at…
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