Dick DeBartolo and Match Game – TV You Grew Up With 1

Dick DeBartolo is not only “Mad’s Maddest Writer” and “The GizWiz” but he was the creative genius who made Match Game a smash hit game show in the 1960s and 70s.

On this first episode of TV You Grew Up With, we talk to him about Match Game, Mad Magazine and his latest chapter as The Giz Wiz!

You can find Dick’s website at GizWiz.biz and his TWiT podcasts HERE

Thanks Dickie D!

Photo Credit: Dennis Wunderlin


4 comments on “Dick DeBartolo and Match Game – TV You Grew Up With 1

  1. Al Robbins says:

    Good stuff, Jim! Getting Dick DeBartolo for the first one was a stroke of genius.

    1. Jim Harold says:

      Thanks for listening Al and please tell your friends!

  2. Randall B says:

    Great start with Dickie D! Found you through Dick’s facebook post. Really enjoyed it. You might want to consider Mark Evanier too (www.newsfromme.com) who has worked in TV for over forty years as a future guest. He has a lot of good stories.

    1. Jim Harold says:

      Thanks Randall for listening and the great suggestion. If you have interest in the paranormal, please check out my other podcasts at http://jimharold.com


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