Jim Harold’s Campfire

Hosted ByJim Harold

Real people share personal paranormal stories.


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All Episodes

The Haunted House That Shook – Jim Harold’s Campfire 672

A haunted house so possessed that the walls shook, a haunted...

Haunted Hotel Room – Jim Harold’s Campfire 671

A listener dares to spend the night in a notoriously haunted...

Terrifying Paranormal Investigation – Jim Harold’s Campfire 670

A very frightening paranormal investigation, floating spirits and much more on...

Jim’s Scary Week – Jim Harold’s Campfire 669

Jim had a very scary week…TLDR = 4 tornadoes confirmed in...

Haunted Funeral Home – Jim Harold’s Campfire 668

A funeral director shares his spooky stories, a strange figure in...

More Demons – Jim Harold’s Campfire 667

Due to audience demand, we are doing a part two of...

Episode 666 – Jim Harold’s Campfire 666

Demonic and devilish stories highlight this 666th episode of Jim Harold’s...

Ghostly Sounds – Jim Harold’s Campfire 665

Ghostly sounds, a death premonition, shadow people and a boy who...

My Brand New House Is Haunted – Jim Harold’s Campfire 664

A new house is very haunted, confrontation with a possible Bigfoot,...