Jim Harold’s Campfire

Hosted ByJim Harold

Real people share personal paranormal stories.


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All Episodes

Halloween Special 2015 – Campfire’s Creepiest Stories – Campfire 242

Tune in for some of the creepiest Campfire stories from the...

Shadow Visitors At Night – Campfire 241

Shadow people, orbs, ouija boards and a host of paranormal players...

A Ghostly Girl and Bigfoot – Campfire 240

A ghostly girl, a bigfoot sighting, and much more highlight this edition of Campfire!

The Dolls Keep Looking At Me – Campfire 239

A weird experience causes a life-long fear of dolls, a loved...

If You Only Knew – Campfire 238

A startling revelation from a caller’s Dad plus multiple stories from...

Haunted High School – Campfire 237

A haunted high school, a dream of a parted loved one, a strange phone call and a young girl is repeated visited by a ghost. All this on Campfire!

Instant Campfire Classics – Campfire 236

This episode has multiple Campfire stories that I think will end up being classics!

Everything from a tale detailing a strange day of school worthy of The Twilight Zone to a haunted bar and more highlight this edition of Campfire!

The Flight Not Taken – Campfire 235

A creepy story about a flight not taken highlights this version...

Campfire Cornucopia – Campfire 234

Shadow people, Area 51, UFOs, eerie tales of the sea and more highlight this eclectically spooky Campfire episode!