Jim Harold’s Campfire

Hosted ByJim Harold

Real people share personal paranormal stories.


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All Episodes

Pennies From Heaven – Campfire 233

Pennies play a part in a possibly haunted apartment, we have two stunning stories from Vietnam and The Philippines, a great family UFO story and much more on this edition of the Campfire.

Alien Communication – Campfire 232

We hear of law enforcement receiving a seemingly impossible call for help, an incredible UFO sighting, and much more on this edition of the Campfire!

Weird Visitors – Campfire 231

A man tells of a childhood visit by some very strange entities, a woman gets a warning from an unusual source, loved ones make their presence known after their death and more on this edition of Campfire!

Classic Campfire Stories – Campfire 230

Join Jim as he revisits some of his favorite Campfire stories from years past.

A Ride On The Haunted Railroad – Campfire 229

A visit from death, a haunted railroad, an “ornery” stage ghost and more on this edition of Campfire!

Ghost Taxi – Campfire 228

A ghost taxi, haunted theater, and much more highlight this edition of the Campfire! True Ghost Stories and more!

Phoenix Lights East – Campfire 227

A series of mysterious UFO sightings, haunted housesitting, a tickle monster and more highlight this edition of the Campfire!

Face To Face With Evil – Campfire 226

A young man confronts evil while praying for a fellow church member, death knocks, and much more on this edition of Campfire.

Sweet and Spooky – Campfire 225

Both sweet and spooky stories highlight this Campfire!