Jim Harold’s Campfire

Hosted ByJim Harold

Real people share personal paranormal stories.


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All Episodes

Ghostly Voices – Campfire 188

A man’s family home vibrates with echoes of the past, a young woman has other wordly encounters, an Ouija board story, a beloved cat returns, a dark figure appears to a young man and more on this edition of the Campfire!

A Sailor Returns From The Grave – Campfire 187

A mysterious sailor visits, a listeners’ small child makes a supernatural friend, a shadow person prompts one man to get out his shotgun, a family pet is disturbed by an unseen entity and a beloved pet pays a visit…after its death.

It is all on this edition of the Campfire! 

A Doppleganger Visits – Campfire 186

A spooky story of a doppelganger, a Ouija Board story, a young woman trapped in a car by an entity, a UK listener talks about something that haunted her home and more on this super sized Campfire!

The Big Sur Incident – Campfire 185

A personal friend and mentor of mine, Dr. Robert Jacobs, joins us on this special Campfire and shares his experience of filming a UFO during a 1964 USAF missile test at Vandenberg Air Force Base.  His story is incredible and, I believe, absolutely true.  Dr. Jacobs is a long-time, beloved professor, an award-winning video producer and published author.  Tune in to hear his fascinating experience.

Thanks Dr. Bob!

A Creepy, Crawly Thing – Campfire 184

A spine tingling tale of a creepy crawly thing, a fellow podcaster grabs an EVP of a shadow man, and much more on this Campfire episode!

The Ghostly Grandma Who Loved Hockey – Campfire 183

A grandma who came back to cheer on her favorite team, a strange story involving a family pet, a ghostly surprise, and meeting the in-laws is stressful under normal conditions — imagine adding a ghost to the mix!  This and much more on this week’s Campfire!

Note: The image is not of the grandma in the hockey story and used for illustration purposes only.

Our First Home Was Haunted – Campfire 182

A house that is angry with its new inhabitants, multiple stories of family members connected by a supernatural thread plus a dog who wants to play ball…after his death.  Tune into this week’s Campfire episode.

Time Slip – Campfire 181

A woman possibly time travels to the Old West, a listener speculates that he may have been kicked out of heaven, a young boy is saved by harm from his dead grandmother and much more on this edition of the Campfire!

The Piano That Played Itself – Campfire 180

A mysterious piano, a malevolent spirit called “Mr. Entity” that wanted to do a loved one harm, a trickster ghost and much more on this edition of Campfire.