Jim Harold’s Campfire

Hosted ByJim Harold

Real people share personal paranormal stories.


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All Episodes

Stepping Back Into Time – Campfire 45

A listener tells a poignant story about a message from her...

I Saw A Leprechaun – Campfire 44

A listener recounts seeing a real live leprechaun, others share more...

Fisherman John – Campfire 43

We are told about a sign from beyond, we hear some...

Halloween Show 2010 – Campfire 42

Happy Halloween to you all!!!  A paranormal mashup with an out...

An Out Of Body Experience – Campfire 41

Halloween is near and this week’s Campfire turns to hauntings, cryptozoology...

The Ghost Nanny – Campfire 40

A ghost who quiets crying babies and a mysterious painting that...

Case Of The Late Landlord – Campfire 39

We hear about a landlord who pays a visit from the...

So Far Away – Campfire 38

A musical message from beyond, a haunting with a possible serial...

A Strange Old Man – Campfire 37

A strange old man hovering over you while you while you...