The Paranormal Podcast

Hosted ByJim Harold

Interviews with the greatest minds in the paranormal. The longest running paranormal podcast on the internet!


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All Episodes

Mind Wars – The Andreasson Affair – The Paranormal Podcast 384

Are mysterious forces controlling our thoughts? We ask author Marie D. Jones.

Ghost Asylum – Why Science Is Wrong – Paranormal Podcast 383

Ghost Asylum is a new TV hit series and we have two members of the crew on the first part of the show this week.

Secret History – The Paranormal Podcast 382

Nick Redfern joins us to talk about conspiracy theories including ancient aliens and much more on this edition of The Paranormal Podcast.

Haunted Housewives – The Paranormal Podcast 381

Paranormal investigators Theresa Argie and Cathi Weber call themselves the Haunted Housewives. They talk about paranormal phenomena, what ghosts might be and whether they believe that the existence of spirits can be scientifically proven by ghost hunters in the field.

The Presidents and UFOs – The Paranormal Podcast 380

What did U.S. Presidents know and when did they know it concerning the question of UFOs? We talk to Larry Holcombe about that question on this week’s Paranormal Podcast.

The Fun Of Staying In Touch – The Paranormal Podcast 379

In part one of the program, Roberta Grimes joins us to talk about our ability to communicate with the dead…and she says it’s fun…

The Angel Effect – The Paranormal Podcast 378

Do comforting beings accompany us, seemingly out of nowhere, when we are in times of great distress? On this edition of The Paranormal Podcast, international best-selling author John Geiger joins us to discuss this fascinating phenomena which he has even experienced himself.

Live From The Kent Paranormal Weekend – Paranormal Podcast 377

I spent a great weekend in Kent, Ohio at The Kent...

Surrounded By Spirits – The Paranormal Podcast 376

Australian medium and paranormal investigator Barbara Parks talks to us about...