Skinwalker – Campfire 112
Guardian angels, weirdness goes the movies, haunted woods and a skinwalker highlight this edition of Campfire!
Read MoreGuardian angels, weirdness goes the movies, haunted woods and a skinwalker highlight this edition of Campfire!
Read MoreOnce Jim goes full time on June 25th, he is going to begin sharing a lot more paranormal stories via social media, etc. You can signup to receive his new FREE weekly paranormal newsletter featuring stories that he thinks are particularly interesting. This content will start shipping in July, is FREE and different from his Plus Club Newsletter which continues as is.
Signup HERE
Read MoreAuthor John Hogue joins us to tell us what he sees for the remainder of 2012 including insights into the economy, elections and much more!
Read MoreAuthor Von Braschler says that it is in our power to time travel not in a DeLorean or a time machine a la H.G.Wells but by using spiritual energy. He talks about his “Seven Secrets of Time Travel”.
Read MoreAre you ready for Freddy? Hear the story of a listener who actually saw Freddy Kreuger decades before any of us heard of him. Plus, we recognize America’s Memorial Day by spotlighting past and present Campfire stories concerning the military. To all of our listeners from around the world serving and to those who have served, a HUGE thank you!
Read MoreAuthor and Journalist Buddy Levy joins us to discuss the History program, Decoded. We chat about his work with the investigative team and we delve into some fascinating cases.
Read MoreA dog visits an owner in a distinctive way after its death, a Mother reaches out from beyond in a unique way, a shadow person shows up, plus one of the spookiest Campfire stories we’ve ever heard!
Read MoreImagine living in a real life haunted house as a single parent with young children. Steven LaChance does not have to imagine it, he lived it. He talks about his book on the subject The Uninvited. Thanks Steven!
Read MoreI wanted to let you know about some changes here at and how they will impact fans of the Paranormal Podcast and Campfire. As always, new Paranormal Podcast and Campfire episodes will debut in this space, on iTunes and the various places you’ve grown accustomed to finding them. New episodes WILL REMAIN ON THE…
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