A lot of people have been asking, how can they can get their copy of Campfire signed. Jim wishes he could personally sign each and every copy. Unfortunately, the logistics of time and space are a little sticky outside of Jim’s geographic area. However, all is not lost.
If you already have an unsigned copy, we’ve figured out a workaround using bookplates. It is surprising how many authors have the same challenge and use these!
The bookplate is an adhesive sticker that Jim can sign and send out to you, then you affix it to your book…and voila! You have a signed copy.
Here is what you can do to get your own signed bookplate.
1. Buy a book (you can click here for that), this is the first and most crucial step 🙂
2. Send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) with your signing request to the below address.* A standard sized business envelope will suffice:
Jim Harold Media, LLC
Attn: Campfire Book Signing
5247 Wilson Mills Road, No. 213
Richmond Hts, OH 44143
2. Please include in the mailing a clearly printed synopsis of what you want Jim to write. Please keep it to one line as space is limited. A computer printout is best. Please use good taste as Jim will use his discretion when signing and reserves the right to change your copy if he does not feel comfortable using it or if it is too long.
3. Please DO NOT send actual books. THEY WILL NOT BE RETURNED BUT DISCARDED, Jim would hate to do that to his book 🙂
4. Wait for your signed bookplate, delivery may take a few weeks for international readers.
Thanks for buying the book and I hope you enjoy it!
Best regards,
Jim Harold
*Note: When creating their SASE envelope, international customers will need to calculate the cost to ship from Jim’s location to theirs. Please consult with your country’s postal provider to determine how to best do this.
Jim WILL NOT add postage to any envelope. If postage is insufficient, the mailed envelope will be discarded. Jim nor Jim Harold Media, LLC are not responsible for lost mailings and will not refund any funds used for postage.
Jim reserves the right to discontinue this offer at anytime if abuse (selling on eBay, etc) has been detected.