Our Podcasts

I Never Played Ouija After That – Jim Harold Campfire 698

This week, we dive into another round of eerie encounters from real people just like us. Dianna from Oregon recounts a chilling Ouija board experience—one that left her questioning what she had truly made contact with. Elizabeth from Minnesota tells of a haunting presence lingering in a school, refusing to be forgotten. Kensi shares a…

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The Devil Didn’t Make Me Do It – The Paranormal Report 166

Do you often say that the devil made you do it? According to one theologian, that can’t happen! Tune in to this week’s The Paranormal Report with Jim and Dar where they also talk about the soul leaving the body, beaches on Mars, the most haunted restaurant and much more! Thanks for listening and share…

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Bigfoot Attacks – The Chilling Tale of Ape Canyon – The Paranormal Podcast 872

Imagine being terrorized by Bigfoot. That’s exactly what a group of miners claimed happened in Ape Canyon in 1924. This week on The Paranormal Podcast, Jim Harold is joined by filmmaker Eli Watson of Small Town Monsters to dive into the infamous case and its upcoming documentary, The Siege of Ape Canyon. Eli shares the…

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Ghostly Apparitions – Jim Harold’s Campfire 697

Gather ‘round the fire for another chilling episode of Jim Harold’s Campfire, where real people share their real-life paranormal encounters. This week, Krystal from New York has an encounter while helping a friend clean out an apartment—one that leaves her questioning what she saw with her own eyes. Then, Jen from Nevada shares a ghostly…

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Caterpillars – Unpleasant Dreams 73

In this spine-chilling episode of Unpleasant Dreams, Cassandra Harold takes on the eerie tale Caterpillars by E.F. Benson, first published in 1912 and is in the public domain. A short story that twists the innocence of nature into something far more sinister. For Cassandra, this episode is a particularly unsettling one, as she has a…

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From Crime to Redemption – Jim Harold’s Crime Scene 226

In this episode of Jim Harold’s Crime Scene, Jim sits down with Jonathan Schwartz, a former business manager who embezzled over $7 million from high-profile clients, including Alanis Morissette. After being sentenced to six years in prison, Jonathan has turned his life around, overcoming addiction and gambling. Now, he is the Program Director at Altus…

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You Can’t Handle The Truth – The Paranormal Report 165

On this week’s episode of The Paranormal Report, Jim and Dar tackle more UAP/UFO news including a new government task force, a ruling from the AARO, and who wants a UFO Czar to be created in the US. They also talk about a doorbell ghost, retrocausality and consciousness, the year the world will end, and…

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Dr. Jacques Vallée: The UFO Mystery, Disclosure & The Trickster Effect – The Paranormal Podcast 871

Dr. Jacques Vallée—renowned UFO researcher, scientist, and author—dives into the most controversial and fascinating aspects of the UFO phenomenon. From the Trickster effect to government disclosure and the infamous Trinity UFO Crash, Dr. Vallée shares his decades of research into the mystery that has captivated the world. In This Episode: -The Trickster Phenomenon—how UFOs mislead…

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Trickster Hauntings – Jim Harold’s Campfire 696

Trickster hauntings, a scary curse, signs from the afterlife and much more on this edition of Jim Harold’s Campfire. JIM’S SPOOKY STUDIO PLUS CLUB Get access to the entire back catalog of Jim Harold’s Campfire, The Paranormal Podcast & exclusive Plus ONLY shows. That’s over 2,500 episodes. Currently, GET $30 off your first year (Supporting…

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The Body Snatcher – Unpleasant Dreams 72

On this episode of Unpleasant Dreams, Cassandra reads the supernatural horror short story, The Body Snatcher by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson. William Burke and William Hare gained notoriety for allegedly carrying out at least sixteen “anatomy murders”—murders committed for the purpose of providing fresh cadavers for medical study—over the course of roughly ten months…

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