Jim Harold’s Campfire

Hosted ByJim Harold

Real people share personal paranormal stories.


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All Episodes

I Saw A Gargoyle – Campfire 368

A UK listener encounters a VERY strange creature, a grandfather lets...

The Ghostly Abuela – Campfire 367

True stories include a ghostly visitor, a dream that came to...

The Haunted Restaurant – Campfire 366

A haunted restaurant investigation and MUCH more creepiness on this edition...

The Monster Is Coming Down The Stairs – Campfire 365

A monster coming down the stairs, a haunted computer and much...

Weird Green Things – Campfire 364

Strange orbs prey upon a young man, a departed father gives...

The Ghost Janitor – Campfire 363

A ghostly janitor doesn’t let a little like death keep him...

Haunted In Los Angeles – Campfire 362

A listener shares her haunted experiences in LA, an I.T. worker...

Day of the Dead – Campfire 361

A Campfire chock full of spooky stories. Enjoy!

The Laughing Ghost – Campfire 360

A laughing ghost, a message from a beloved Dad from beyond,...