The Paranormal Podcast

Hosted ByJim Harold

Interviews with the greatest minds in the paranormal. The longest running paranormal podcast on the internet!


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All Episodes

Haunted Rock n Roll – Paranormal Podcast 339

Did bluesman Robert Johnson make a deal with the Devil?  Was Buddy Holly told of his death a year before it happened?  Were Elvis sightings caused not by a living King but a dead one?  What is up with the “27 Club”?  Author Matthew L. Swayne answers these questions and more on this fascinating edition of The Paranormal Podcast.

Close Encounters Of The Fatal Kind – Paranormal Podcast 338

Pursuing the truth about UFOs can be hazardous to your health. We talk to Nick Redfern about the mysterious deaths and disappearances surrounding UFOlogy.

To Hell and Back – Paranormal Podcast 337

Most near-death experiences we hear of are overwhelmingly positive with bright lights, loved ones, and an overwhelming sense of love.

Howard Storm’s NDE was nothing like that, in fact, it was hell-like.  He tells his story on this edition of The Paranormal Podcast.

Supernormal – Paranormal Podcast 336

Dr. Dean Radin is doing real science on the paranormal and coming up with some fascinating results. We talk about his work and his latest book on this edition of The Paranormal Podcast.

Gobekli Tepe with Andrew Collins – Paranormal Podcast 335

Author and researcher Andrew Collins joins us to talk about his exciting work on Gobekli Tepe and we discuss the importance of this ancient site in Turkey which, just recently, has been recognized.

Encounter In Rendlesham Forest – Paranormal Podcast 334

We talk about “Britain’s Roswell” with two men who lived it — Jim Penniston and John Burroughs.  We are also joined by author Nick Pope and discuss the trio’s new book on the Rendlesham Forest Incident — one of the most fascinating UFO encounters in the modern era.

Randi’s Prize with Robert McLuhan – Paranormal Podcast 333

Robert McLuhan joins us to talk about his views on the skeptical perspective. Are most skeptics simply questioning paranormal claims fairly, or have they already reached their own conclusions without looking at the research? We discuss on this edition of the Paranormal Podcast.

Dulce Base with Greg Valdez – Paranormal Podcast 332

Alien-human hybrids, secret UFO bases, government intrigue? What is the truth behind Dulce Base? We talk to author Greg Valdez about the mystery.

Cell Block Psychic/Alien Abduction – Paranormal Podcast 331

In part one of this two-part episode, Vicki Monroe of Cell Block Psychic talks to us about her new TV series. In part two, we talk to Director Matty Beckerman about his movie Alien Abduction based on the famous Brown Mountain Lights in North Carolina!