The Paranormal Podcast

Hosted ByJim Harold

Interviews with the greatest minds in the paranormal. The longest running paranormal podcast on the internet!


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All Episodes

Forgotten Civilization – Paranormal Podcast 312

Dr. Robert Schoch says mainstream scientists have gotten the facts wrong about ancient advanced civilizations. We talk about his findings on this week’s Paranormal Podcast.

Earth: An Alien Enterprise – Paranormal Podcast 311

Long time researcher and best-selling UFO author Timothy Good, joins us to talk about what he considers the greatest cover-up in human history. Join us on this week’s episode for the discussion of a fascinating theory.

The Power Of Auras – Paranormal Podcast 310

What are auras and how can we put their power to work in our lives? Dr. Susan Shumsky answers these questions on this week’s Paranormal Podcast.

The Conjuring: The Real Story – Paranormal Podcast 309

The real story behind “The Conjuring” is the topic of the first part of our Halloween special. Angela Perron, one of the daughters depicted in the motion picture, tells us what it was really like to live on the now world-famous Arnold Estate.

Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and Otherworldly Beings – Paranormal Podcast 308

The legendary Brad Steiger joins us to discuss his latest book “Real Encounters, Different Dimensions, and Otherworldly Beings”.

Talking To Extraterrestrials – Paranormal Podcast 307

Experiencer Lisette Larkins tells us of her experience of communicating with ETs, what they told her, and what it means for humankind.

Your Soul Remembers and Obsessed – Paranormal Podcast 306

Joanne DiMaggio joins us to explains the subject of “soul writing” which she says can put us in touch with past lives. In part two of this double header episode, journalist Steve Volk tells the story of a medical researcher whose work led him into the area of of the metaphysical.

Dream Messages From The Afterlife – Paranormal Podcast 305

Can we communicate with deceased loved ones while in the dream state? Our guest, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, says the answer is yes and she tells us why.

Astral Travel – Paranormal Podcast 304

Can we intentionally travel without the encumbrances of the human body? Our guest, Robert Bruce, says the answer is yes! We talk about out of body experiences and astral travel on this edition of the Paranormal Podcast.