The Paranormal Podcast

Hosted ByJim Harold

Interviews with the greatest minds in the paranormal. The longest running paranormal podcast on the internet!


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All Episodes

Shane Pittman and The Paranormal Mind – The Paranormal Podcast 784

You know Shane Pittman from Netflix’s 28 Days Haunted and The Holzer Files. Shane...

Return of The Tarot Diva – Paranormal Podcast 783

Curious about the mysteries of the Tarot? Sasha Graham, The Tarot...

Did Nixon Show Jackie Gleason Dead Alien Bodies – The Paranormal Podcast 782

Did President Nixon show comedian Jackie Gleason dead alien bodies. Our...

Stories from Somewhere In The Skies – The Paranormal Podcast 780

Stories about UFOs…that is the subject of today’s show. Our guest...

Monsters and Monster Fest – Paranormal Podcast 779

A decade of making movies about real life monsters is a...

The Afterlife Chronicles – The Paranormal Podcast 778

What happens after we die? That is the topic with author...

Powerful Juju and Magick – Paranormal Podcast 777

We talk with magick practitioner Najah Lightfoot about her recent book, Powerful...

Michelle Belanger on Paranormal TV and The Psychic Energy Codex – Paranormal Podcast 776

Michelle Belanger talks about the current state of paranormal TV and...

The Ghost Club – Paranormal Podcast 775

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and other names like Price and Yeats...