The Paranormal Podcast

Hosted ByJim Harold

Interviews with the greatest minds in the paranormal. The longest running paranormal podcast on the internet!


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All Episodes

Playing With The Devil – Paranormal Podcast 303

Imagine being part of a teenage rock band that attracted the attention of a dark entity?  Marcus F. Griffin doesn’t have to imagine, he lived it and he tells us about it on this edition of The Paranormal Podcast!

On The Edge Of Reality – Paranormal Podcast 302

Colin Andrews and Dr. Synthia Andrews talk to us about the idea that the wide range of paranormal activity that we see in the world may be connected and not discrete phenomena at all. UFOs, ghosts, crop circles and more may all be part of the same thing!

Inside The REAL Area 51 – Paranormal Podcast 301

Thomas J. Carey talks to us about Wright-Patterson Air Force base, which he considers to be the “real Area 51”. What role did Wright Patterson play in the Roswell crash? Are alien spaceships and even alien bodies housed there? We talk to Tom about these fascinating questions.

Jesse Marcel Jr and Roswell – Paranormal Podcast 300

Col. Jesse Marcel, Jr’s final years were spent vindicating the memory of his father, Jesse Marcel, Sr., who was the first military officer on the scene at the Roswell crash in 1947. Unfortunately, Col. Marcel passed recently and we felt it would be appropriate to replay the interview he did with us on The Paranormal Podcast in 2008.

The Sense Of Being Stared At – Paranormal Podcast 299

Have you ever had the feeling that someone was watching you? It probably wasn’t your imagination. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake joins us to discuss this and other unexplained abilities of the human mind, including telepathy.

Sex and Mysticism – Paranormal Podcast 298

The link between sex and spirituality has long been postulated. Our guest, Mystic Pete, talks about this important, but rarely discussed subject on this edition of The Paranormal Podcast.

Note: Parents, this program while created to broadcast standards is not for children. Parental guidance is advised.

Our Occulted History – Paranormal Podcast 297

The King of Conspiracy Journalists, Jim Marrs, joins us to discuss the idea that not only do the global elite control us, but that aliens may also be behind the scenes right there with them!

Talking Paranormal with Jeff Belanger – Paranormal Podcast 296

We talk to paranormal renaissance man Jeff Belanger about all matter of weird stuff on this edition of The Paranormal Podcast.

Demon Possession – Paranormal Podcast 295

Demon possession is real according to today’s guest, Rev. Dr. Robert Bennett.  We discuss his experiences with possession, how to avoid and, if necessary, how to defeat it.