em hilker

The Story of The Chupacabra by EM Hilker

It often happens as the dusk settles itself gently over the lush rainforest. Farmed animals, confined to pens or herded by human and canine protectors, wouldn’t have a sense of their own vulnerability or the existence of predators, you might think. But somewhere, deep down in their basest primal instincts that reach back to the…

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The Real Story of Krampus by EM Hilker

A fresh blanket of snow glistens in the cold light of the moon, a contrast to the warm glow of street lamps, wrapping the city streets in the cozy blanket of early winter. Twinkling across the surrounding fields in the night, mirroring the light of the moon in a million broken rays, the landscape was…

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The Beast of Gévaudan by EM Hilker

Apprehensive they went, clasping each other tightly, into the night. It was so, so quiet outside of the footsteps of their papa, clomping along hurriedly, unsteadily ahead. The unnatural still of the night seeped into all three children’s blood, making them shiver as the moon poured silver upon them. They didn’t need to go out…

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The Strange Death of Edgar Allan Poe by EM Hilker

There is much that can be said about Edgar Allan Poe, but in terms of his literary habits, little that needs to be. Much more famous in death than he was in life, he was nevertheless a literary critic of some renown in his own time. His true love, however, was lurid, ghastly fiction. Poe…

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Did Robert Johnson Sell His Soul At The Crossroads? – By EM Hilker

It’s an old, old story. The shadowed, dusty crossroads sit lonely in the sultry, oppressive summer night, seemingly waiting for the young Black man who now arrives. He holds a guitar in one hand and a mostly empty bottle of whiskey in the other. He does not stumble as he walks, but looks about warily…

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Residual Hauntings and The Stone Tape Theory

We were living in New Jersey. I was riding in our car with my husband when the oddest thing happened. It was a normal, sunny day and we were in a bit of a traffic jam. Cars were backed up in both directions on the road where we were traveling. While we were sitting at…

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Shadow People by EM Hilker

I am going to tell you a story that happened to my dad.  Just to give everyone a little bit of backstory: my parents pretty much live in the middle of nowhere. They live on a lake in what I would call the boonies. The surrounding area is all wooded state land, and you have…

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