Jim Harold’s Campfire

Hosted ByJim Harold

Real people share personal paranormal stories.


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All Episodes

Favorite Campfire Stories – Jim Harold’s Campfire 654

Hear favorite ghost stories, headscratchers and more on this mega-sized anniversary...

Ghostly Encounters You Won’t Forget – Jim Harold’s Campfire 653

Hear spine-chilling stories of a haunted Irish lodge with a tragic...

Haunted Dreams – Jim Harold’s Campfire 652

Haunted dreams, a haunted hotel and many more spooky stories on...

He Haunted Our Hospital – Jim Harold’s Campfire 651

A hospital haunted by a cranky ghost, a young woman’s youth...

The Haunted Cubicle – Jim Harold’s Campfire 650

From ghostly encounters in the workplace to heartwarming tales of connections...

Haunted By Furby? – Jim Harold’s Campfire 649

A musician haunted by a toy and much more on this...

Signs From Beyond – Jim Harold’s Campfire 648

Signs from passed loved ones plus some frightening encounters on this...

She Saw His Soul – Jim Harold’s Campfire 647

A young paramedic sees something incredible on a call, another sees...

Haunted Hands In The Dark – Jim Harold’s Campfire 646

A terrifying nighttime experience, a possible alien abduction, a couple’s story...